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Our Code of Ethics Towards Other Property Owners & the General Public

  • I will respect private property and will not detect without the owner's permission. 

  • I will not knowingly detect on prohibited or posted property.


  • I agree to abide by Federal, state, and local laws or regulations regarding metal detecting.


  • I will leave gates as I found them (open or closed, as appropriate) and will not disturb structures or personal property.


  • I will fill in all holes and will do no intentional damage to property. I will strive to leave the property as good as or better than its original condition.


  • Where and when possible, I will clean up after a previous detectorist (e.g., fill in an obvious dig hole).


  • I will not litter and I will remove and properly dispose of any trash found while digging.


  • I will make a reasonable effort to return identifiable items to their owners.


  • I will conduct myself with courtesy and professionalism.


  • I will report criminal activities to the proper authorities. (You are not a "snitch" or a "tattletale". You are a citizen with rights, privileges AND responsibilities.)


  • I will be honest and act with integrity in my dealings with owners, club members, other detectorists, and other individuals with whom I come into contact.


  • I agree to act as a good will ambassador for our hobby.


Be polite and informative to those who inquire about your hobby - you are the ambassador of a pastime we want to protect and we will be judged by how you act & respond. 

Our Code of Ethics Towards Other Club Members

When another member invites us to detect a site as a group or individually, we will not contact the property owner or detect the site without that member being present.


Disclosure of site locations to non-club members is prohibited. This includes online posts, magazine articles, conversations, etc. This also includes posting photos of finds that can easily identify a specific site. We want to protect our club members' sites, as well as our property owners' privacy.


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